
O God, One in three Persons,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you were pleased to let the gifts of your grace
shine in the humble soul of
Mother Maria Pierina De Micheli,
and called her to your service
in a hidden life of obedience
to be consoler of the Crucified Jesus
and missionary of His Holy Face.
Grant us that we, too, may walk willfully
on the path of the sacrified charity
for the glory of your Name
and the service of your brothers.

Through the merits and intercession of
Blessed Maria Pierina De Micheli,
grant us also the favours we confidently ask,
so that her heroic virtues be shown forth
for our example and encouragement.



Con aprobación eclesiástica
+ Mons. Renato Corti
Obispo de Novara

Quienes obtengan gracias o favores dirigirse a:
Figlie dell’Immacolata Concezione di Buenos Aires
Via Asinio Pollione, 5 – 00153 Roma

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