“The Daughter of the Immaculate Conception, from the beginning of her religious life, seeks to understand more deeply each day that her entire spiritual life and her apostolate is centred on the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, as the particular charism which distinguishes her Institute.”

(Constitutions 72)


“The formation stages of the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception are: the Postulate, Novitiate and the Juniorate.”

(Constitutions 73)

PRE-NOVITIATE: The Institute accepts young women who manifest the desire to share our life, are motivated by supernatural reasons, respect the conditions established by the Canon Law and are considered suitable by the Superior General or by one of her delegates. It lasts one year and introduces the pre-novitiate candidate to the Institute’s spirituality. It ends with entry into the Novitiate.



NOVITIATE: It is a period of formation specific to religious life. It aims to help the young woman to deepen and value the gift of vocation and of the charism of our Institute. The novices will gradually penetrate into the mystery of the Community united in love, whose fruits are joy and peace. It lasts two years. In the second year, the young woman, even while continuing her doctrinal formation, will dedicate herself for brief periods to the activities of the Institute, to continue to progressively insert herself in the apostolate. Two months prior to the end of the Novitiate, she will present a written request to make Temporary profession, which consists in the making of Vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience for the duration of one year.


JUNIORATE: It is the five year period which precedes Perpetual Profession. It has the aim of helping the religious to continue, develop and consolidate her formation, renewing her Vows annually. It is a school of prayer, fraternal charity and community life. The young women dedicate themselves to study and apostolic work.

It leads to complete consecration to God through perpetual vows.

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