“Invited to a dialogue with God,
Our life demands the silence
of our whole being,
as an essential need for continuous prayer
which expresses our intimacy with God
and makes us, as Mary,
a prayerful presence in the Church
which incessantly praises the Lord
and intercedes for the salvation
of the world.”
Constitutions 38
Eucharistic Worship
“We participate in the Eucharist daily, ‘Sacrament of love, symbol of unity, bond of charity,’ and we make it the centre of our life, offering ourselves to God, together with the victim of the altar.
Constitutions 41
“We will observe this worship during the day with periods of adorations and visits to the Most Holy Sacrament, which will help us to live in familial communion with the Father, through His Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit.”
Constitutions 42
Liturgy of the Hours
“As a community we will recite Lauds and Vespers of the Liturgy of the Hours, voice of the Church which goes towards the Father as spouses of Christ, to adore him. We shall end the day with the prayer of the Compline.”
Constitutions 43
Meditation of the Word
“Every day we shall dedicate an hour to mental prayer: through which the Holy Spirit will introduce us to the treasures of the Word of God and help us to assimilate it into our lives, thus converting us, for our brothers and sisters, in faithful testimony of Christ, our Lord.”
Constitutions 44
Marian Spirituality
“The Virgin Mary, Special Patron of the Congregation occupies a special place in our devotion, which we express as a community, each day, with the recital of the Holy Rosary and the Angelus.”
cf. Constitutions 46
“On Saturdays and on the feast days of the Most Holy Virgin, as a community we shall renew our consecration to Her.”
cf. Constitutions 49
Spiritual Retreats
“…each month we shall spend a day in retreat and each year we shall have Spiritual Exercises. We consider these periods as oases of renewal in the course of our daily life.”
Constitutions 54
Vía crucis
“We shall participate in the Passion of Christ by reciting the Way of the Cross.”
Constitutions 45